Best interests

This month’s case is the situation of Charlie Gard, an infant from London England at the centre of a dispute between his parents and his health care providers about the value of experimental treatment. Charlie was born with a rare genetic disorder that has no known treatment or cure. Children with this condition generally die…

Bonus November Post

The podcast You Are Not So Smart recently did an episode on moral arguments and the psychological tendencies that underpin our values and make it difficult to see ethical questions from perspectives other than our own. It is a really interesting look at how and why we see things, and raises good questions for reflection…

Risky Business

Ellie is a 64-year-old woman who was admitted to hospital with pneumonia and failure to cope after falling at home and being unable to get up for almost two days. She was found by the mailman, who saw her through the window and called 911. She lives alone and has no family or other supports.…